Wednesday, 23 May 2012

10 Powerful Tips To Stop Smoking

Whether you are using Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Hypnosis or just Cold Turkey, these strategies and hints are for aiding you to stop smoking and are sure to assist you in helping your neurology change and thus enable you to stop smoking with ease. It is up to you to ensure that you do these things to really enhance what you are doing, the more effort you put into these exercises, the easier it is to stop smoking for good.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 1.
Being a smoker is like cycling with stabilisers attached to the wheels, you can find it hard to be balanced without smoking. Now, when you cycle freely again, the natural balance returns.
When people smoke, more than half of what they breathe is fresh air - pulled through the cigarette right down into the lungs. So if you feel any cravings you can instantly overcome them by taking three deeper breaths. Imagine breathing from that space just below your belly button. Whenever you do this you put more oxygen into your bloodstream. This means you can use deep breaths to change the way you feel instantly and give you power over the way you feel and help you let go of those old cravings and thus making it easier to stop smoking.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 2
Next, think now of all the reasons you don't like smoking, the reasons that it's bad and the reasons you want to stop smoking. Write down the key words on a piece of paper. For example, you experience breathlessness, it's dirty, filthy and your clothes smell, your friends and family are concerned and it's expensive, unsociable and so on. Then, on the other side of the paper, write down all the reasons why you'll feel good when you've succeeded in stopping. You'll feel healthier, you'll feel in control of your self, your senses are enhanced, your hair and clothes will smell fresher and so on. Whenever you need to, look at that piece of paper.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 3
Next, we are going to programme your mind to feel disgusted by cigarettes. I want you recall 4 times when you thought to yourself "I've gotta quit", or that you felt disgusted about smoking. Maybe you just felt really unhealthy, or your doctor told you in a particular tone of voice 'You've got to quit' or somebody you know was badly affected by smoking. Take a moment now to come up with 4 different times that you felt that you have to quit or were disgusted by smoking.
Remember each of those times, one after another, as though they are happening now. I want you to keep going through those memories and make them as vivid as possible. The more vivid you make those memories, the easier it will be to stop smoking. See what you saw, hear what you heard and feel how you felt. I want you to take a few minutes now to keep going through those memories again and again, overlap each memory with the next until you are totally and utterly disgusted by cigarettes.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 4
Have a think to yourself about the consequences of you not stopping smoking now, if you just carry on and on. Imagine it, what will happen if you carry on smoking. What are the consequences? Imagine yourself in 6 months time, a years time, even 5 years time if you do not stop smoking now. Think of all the detrimental effects of not stopping right now and how a simple decision you make today can make such an impact on your future.
Next, imagine how much better is your life going to be when you stop smoking. Really imagine it's months from now and you successfully stopped. Smoking is a thing of the past, something you used to do. Keep that feeling with you and imagine having it tomorrow, and for the rest of next week. In your mind, imagine stepping in to that non-smoking version of you and feel how it feels to be a non-smoker.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 5
Also, your mind is very sensitive to associations, so it's very important that you have a clear out and remove all tobacco products from your environment. Move some of the furniture in your house and at work. Smokers are accustomed to smoking in certain situations. So, for example, if you used to smoke on the telephone at work move the phone to the other side of the desk. Throw away ashtrays, old lighters and anything that you used to associate with smoking. Make your environment conducive to stopping smoking.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 6
Smokers sometimes use their habit to give themselves little breaks during the day. Taking a break is good for you, so carry on taking that time off - but do something different. Walk round the block, have a cup of tea or drink of water, or do some of the techniques on this programme. In fact, if possible drink a lot of fruit juice. When you stop smoking the body goes through a big change. The blood sugar levels tend to fall, the digestion is slowed down and your body starts to eject the tar and poisons that have accumulated. Fresh fruit juice contains fructose which restores your blood sugar levels, vitamin C which helps clear out impurities and high levels of water and fibre to keep your digestion going. Also try to eat fruit every day for at least two weeks after you have stopped.
Also when you stop, cut your caffeine intake by half. Nicotine breaks down caffeine so without nicotine a little coffee will have a big effect. Drink 8-10 glasses of water (ideally bottled) to help wash out your system.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 7
You were used to using cigarettes to signal to your body to release happy chemicals, so next we are going to programme some good feelings into your future. Allow yourself to fully remember now a time when you felt very deep ecstasy, pleasure or bliss, right now. Take a moment to recall it as vividly as possible. Remember that time - see what you saw, hear what you heard and feel how good you felt. Where abouts in your body were those feelings, imagine turning them up and spreading them through your body to make them more intense.
Keep going through the memory, as soon as it finishes, go through it again and again, all the time squeezing your thumb and finger together. In your mind, make those images big and bright, sounds loud and harmonious and feelings strong and intensified. We are making an associational link between the squeeze of your fingers and that good feeling.
Okay, stop and relax. Now if you have done that correctly when you squeeze your thumb and finger together you should feel that good feeling again. Go ahead do that now, squeeze thumb and finger and remember that good feeling.
Now we're going to programme good feelings to happen automatically whenever you are in a situation where you used to smoke but now you stop smoking.
So, next I'd like you to squeeze your thumb and finger together, get that good feeling going and now imagine being in several situations where you would have smoked, but being there feeling great without a cigarette. See what you'll see hear and take that good feeling into those situations without a need for a cigarette.
Imagine being in a situation where someone offers you a cigarette and you confidently say 'No thanks, I don't smoke'. And feel fantastic about it!
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 8
Get social support. Your commitment to stopping smoking for the rest of your life can be made much easier by talking about it to friends and family and letting them support you. They will congratulate you on doing so well too! You really did stop smoking.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 9
Be aware of making excuses for yourself. Some people talk themselves into smoking, especially if they encounter a stressful situation and in the past they used to deal with it by smoking. If those old thoughts pop into your head, shout the word "STOP" in your head, to stop the thoughts from progressing. Nicotine just stresses your body more and is like that itch that can never be properly scratched; the more you smoke, the more you have to. So say "STOP" and steer clear of old slippery slopes.
Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 10
Reward yourself. Congratulate yourself. Feel how good it feels to stop smoking and be a non-smoker. Treat yourself each time you get past a certain milestone; the first week or first month, the six month target. Let yourself know that you did something really special here.
Keep on using your brain, stretching it and helping your self, by running through these exercises time after time; you are sure to be able to make it easier and easier and successfully stop smoking for good.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Read Inspirational Quotes to Brighten Your Day

Great inspirational quotes are sure some of the good ways in helping people in motivating them in their professional life, thereby attaining success. There are in fact countless of helpful and motivating inspirational quotes to choose from-ranging from the humorous to the practical. These kinds of inspirational quotes are really useful in our daily lives, may it be in our careers, our personal lives and especially reaching for our goals or even just maintaining a positive outlook in life. Reading some inspirational quotes especially on a regular basis is one way to effectively lead us to a more inspiring and happy life.
And here are some ways on why reading and absorbing inspirational quotes could enhance your life, and be fulfilled in our lives.
1. There is roughly endless cornucopia of inspirational quotes and you're free to choose from them! And in other words, you never run out of them-you are free to choose whichever you like and which ones apply in your current state of mood or your life in general. Plus, they are for free-providing you with the best and the positive insights to guide or enlighten us without even paying for a single cent! Browse the World Wide Web for many motivating quotes and the choices are limitless.
2. These quotes aid in beating the habit of procrastination. It's given that this habit is one of the most difficult issues that most individuals struggle with. Indeed it's tough to overcome it, so you need a heavy dose of inspiring messages to motivate you to do better and stop procrastinating. Especially when you're experiencing some problems or difficulties in your life, being inspired or motivated is the best way to deal with it.
3. They serve as quick motivational starters. Reading these inspirational quotes certainly improves your life even just temporarily. They provide a quick "lift" to lighten your mood and look at the bright side of life and go on working on what's about to be done and must be finished at a certain period. After reading these statements, naturally, it will give you a better sense of direction aimed at your goals and will let you feel that you've got the energy to work on them.
4. Inspiring quotes help you from dealing or coping with extreme sadness or depression. From the name itself, these inspirational quotes are here to inspire, uplift and motivate, to make another person feel good. And don't forget that they're all for free! It's less pricey than having to pay for a shrink or therapist! So the next time you're feeling down and you definitely need a boost, the cheapest way to do it is to read some friendly and helpful messages to perk you up.
And it won't hurt if they are adorned in a light and colorful background for maximum effect. Try reading some on a regular basis and it's even better to say goodbye to daily blues. In general, we all want to have a happy and positive outlook in life. And we can achieve it by being inspired and motivated even just in easy and effortless ways.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Get EXCITED! There Is Alot To Be Excited About - Always

I was talking a client the other day that shared with me that having read something that I sent to him that he was not excited, when he knew he should be - got me to thinking about the sadness I feel for those who are waiting for circumstances to shift before they get excited about their lot in the world.
I train people to discipline where their thoughts are focused daily - if we were to orient our thoughts - every thought we have everyday towards what we THINK, SAY, DO, BE in alignment with our ultimate game then we cannot but not win our game - sadly most people do not know what their game is. Excitement is not a by product, it is a choice. Excitement has a powerful resonance and if we live in gratitude for what a profound privilege it is to be alive, we would not squander one minute focusing on anything else but what forwards our game.
How many books do we need to read that state 'Be careful what you think for your thoughts create your reality'. If we are to believe this then we would quickly own how powerful we truly are in our resonance to only ever focus our thoughts towards the main game plan.
Most people listen to what I term static frequencies. Using the analogy of the radio, when we are travelling in our cars we would never stay on the static channel, we would always tune into the music, so what is your music? The disempowered static frequencies I speak of for human beings is 'Fear/Issues, Problems, Challenges/Confusion and the Inner Critic'. How on earth can we hear our intuitive voice through these frequencies? I have said it before and I will say it again, we were born fearless, intuitive and connected and then we learnt that life was not safe. The journey to raising ones awareness and coming home to being whole and complete requires one to reclaim their birthright - I cannot teach people to become intuitive, fearless, connected, I only need remind them to re-access what they came in with!
From a fabulous book entitled 'Ask and It Is Given', Jerry and Ester Hicks state:-
Why is it taking me so long to get what I want?
  • It is not because you do not want it enough
  • It is not because you are not intelligent enough
  • It is not because you are not worthy enough
  • It is not because fate is against you
  • It is not because someone else has already won your prize
The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself in a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your desire. That is the only reason - ever!
I truly align with this statement.
So I ask you today, why are you not excited about your life? What's stopping you generating excitement for everything that is transpiring in your life right now, the good, the bad and the indifferent? I choose to be excited for I know how powerful that resonance is to what I attract moment by moment. I have achieved a level of conscious competency with being THAT DISCIPLINED in where my thoughts are focused, for I know that I am the creator of my reality.
Circumstances shifting are not where your happiness and or excitement lies. Happiness and excitement are generated from choosing it! Like every other empowered emotion. I choose to be happy, I choose to be excited regardless of circumstance. The vigilance in being this disciplined comes from leading a committed life. I get people want to feel happy, want to feel excitement, but there is a big difference being committed to being happy, being committed to feeling excited. The difference between wanting something and being committed to something are RESULTS! Pure and simple. Most of us are waiting for the circumstances in our lives to change before we change, I am here to tell you, it is the complete reverse!
Your interpretation of what is not working in your life is only your interpretation. If your life is not exemplifying how you would like to be, it is because you are not committed (yet) to it being any different - here's the litmus test - if you did, it would be that way by now.
I welcome everything into my life as a lesson for my growth as a spiritual being. I resist nothing, I accept everything as my own creation. My mantra in life is this "if everything is perfect just the way it is and just the way it isn't who do I need to be being in this moment?'. Believe you me there are a lot of things that have happened in my past and in my current reality that do not occur as perfect but if I apply this life mantra I get to see the part I am playing in what I am attracting it.
So I will leave you with this simple formula for results:- Focus everything you DO, SAY, BE, THINK in alignment with your ultimate game. I know what my ultimate game is with crystal clear clarity - what's yours?

Thursday, 10 May 2012

5 Ways to Make Effective Decisions

Being more productive and performing at a higher level requires mastering several skills. One of the most important is effective decision making. Here are a few pointers you might find helpful:
Make sure you've got the facts
You wouldn't dive into a pool of water without first knowing the depth, so it's wise not to jump into a quick decision before gathering a little background data. Who? What? Where? When? How? Asking a few of these types of questions can help in gathering the info you need to make a good decision.
Think outcome -- from the outset
A good place to give some thought to the desired outcome of a situation is before a final decision is made. When faced with a problem, think about the best case scenario for the outcome and try to work toward that end as you process through the issue(s),
Choose advisors wisely
Be careful not to allow yourself to be overly influenced by another's perspective on the issue. While it's important to get feedback from others, be discerning with regard to personal agendas that may be involved.
Develop a decision making model
Create a model by which you make all key decisions and stick by it as various challenges avail themselves.  Making key decisions the same way every time will improve the quality of the decision immensely.
Track the results
On all key decisions, carefully monitor the results to make sure the decision was sound. Closely monitoring a decision allows you to make timely adjustments. It will also afford you the opportunity to study the effectiveness of your process and apply those lessons to future decisions.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

10 Reasons to Challenge Yourself

You can challenge yourself to:
#1 Grow as an individual
It all starts with you. The below challenges will all help you grow as a person but there's even more than that. Engage in self-searching, learn who you are by writing, work on being more genuine, kind, honest, considerate, spontaneous, spiritual, etc.
#2 Attain awareness, knowledge and education
Not expanding your mind is a waste of life. A complacent, inactive mind is a sad thing. Make your mantra "I must seek awareness" and your universe will grow and grow. The more we know the more we realize how little we actually understand. It's inherently challenging and exciting! With the Internet, the all-time greatest library of knowledge is at your fingertips. Be curious and seek the truth about whatever interests you.
#3 Become healthier physically and mentally
Without health we have nothing. We can challenge ourselves to lose weight, eat better, exercise, get health care and educate ourselves on how to do so. A healthy body yields a healthy spirit.
#4 Build wealth
Money, money, money. We all want more but without challenging ourselves we are likely to not earn it. Money can't buy happiness but it can help us rest easier and enjoy life more! Set goals and challenge yourself to make more, save more and have more money, money, money.
#5 Become self sufficient
With the world economy struggling, more and more people depend on others to get by. Let's face it, it sucks to not be in control of your life. Challenge yourself to take the needed steps to put yourself in a position in which you can be the master of your own domain.
#6 Advance in your career
Are you satisfied with your career position? If you answered yes, then good for you! Unfortunately, most of us are not completely happy with our career and would like to make advancements within it. A conscious, well thought out set of goals can challenge us and help us improve our station in life.
#7 Become a better friend or partner
Conventional wisdom says friends, family and health are the most important things in life (I would add 'awareness'). Having good, real friends is mandatory for being happy, but are we being the best friend we can be? Do we listen enough? Do we reach out to our friends to show them we care? Being a good friend is real work and requires conscious, consistent effort. Challenging ourselves to become a better friend will unquestionably make your life (and your friends lives) more fulfilling.
#8 Seek inspiration and be more creative
All great artists eventually learn one golden rule: you must SEEK inspiration. If Vincent van Gogh waited around for inspiration to strike, we wouldn't have his incredible body of work to appreciate and he would have been even more unfulfilled. No matter what you do in life, you're in need of being creative and seeking inspiration is a never ending quest that requires real diligence. Challenging yourself to find ways to become inspired is a must.
#9 Gain new experiences and have more fun
The alarm clock goes off, we get up and go through our daily routines, then return home to finish off our day. Routines are effective but can bog us down into a mundane lifestyle. BORING! The truth is, it's easy to do the same old thing ~ it can even make us feel safe (a good thing). Why not challenge ourselves to try new things? By doing so we'll meet new people, learn new things, have more fun and grow as an individual. Heck, we may even be rewarded with new opportunities that may lead to a more fruitful career.
#10 Achieve happiness and peace
Happiness and peace are usually the end results of successful challenges, but they can be challenges all on their own. Why not challenge yourself to be more happy and find more peace? This will help you better understand exactly what it is you need to attain these two prized life goals.
Follow these 10 types of challenges regularly and you'll be on the path to a better quality of life.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Top 7 Tips To Manage Stress

You can't rid stress from your life completely, but you can reduce it. Know that it takes some effort because you may have to make changes in your attitude and lifestyle. Reducing stress requires that you know how you react to stress. If you know, you can change your behavior. Try to be more optimistic and assertive. See the glass as half full instead of half empty (and tell someone who disagrees that that's the way you see things). Also, develop a strategy for handling stressful situations. This way, you won't be caught off guard.
Here are the helpful tips:
1. Add good nutrition and exercise
When your body is healthy, it can better stand up to stress. Keep your body healthy and strong with nutritious foods. A low-fat diet helps slow the progress of some stress-related diseases. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.
2. Laugh
Laughter may be one of the healthiest antidotes to stress. When you laugh or, just smile, the blood flow to the brain is increased. It is due to the release of endorphins which results a drop in the level of stress hormones.
3. Be social
When you feel stress, your instincts tell you to isolate yourself. When you withdraw, you allow yourself to concentrate more on the problem, which makes your stress level greater. Call friends. Be around with young children, who can help make you forget yourself and your worries. Do volunteer work.
4. Know your stress personality
Do you know how to react to stress? Do you yell and kick the furniture? Or do you retreat into stony silence? Keep a stress diary for two weeks. Make note of any stressor, the time, place, and day it occurs, how you feel (angry, defeated, tired, overwhelmed), and what you do as a result. By knowing your own personality and triggers, you can learn to respond to stress before you reach crisis mode.
5. Make your job work for you
The real cause of job-related stress is not overwork but lack of personal control. Interestingly, the most stressful positions are not at the top. Workers in high-demand, low-control positions, such as computer operators and sales personnel, are more heart-attack prone than CEOs, who have a high degree of control in their jobs. Although you probably can't change your company's culture by yourself, you can change the way you react to stress at work.
Participate as actively as possible. Ask and answer questions, attend company meetings and events, and be sure you speak up in the workplace. Support your coworkers. Good relationships with peers and a respectful boss help you feel more in control of your job. But no matter how good things are at work, there is bound to be an upsetting event. What do you so then? Try counting to ten before you react, which helps to avoid conflict. And the pause can help you regain a sense of control.
And finally, if you know you are in the wrong job, accept the fact and consider improving your skills so that you can change jobs.
6. Get enough sleep
Probably one of the most important things that you can do for yourself is get enough sleep. Sleep helps your body replenish and maintain cells, fortifies your immune system, filters out toxins, and relaxes your muscles. Develop a daily sleep routine that signals your mind that it is time to sleep (for example, take a warm bath before bed). Don't drink alcohol or caffeine, and don't smoke because these substances contain chemicals that stimulate your mind.
7. Mind-Body Technique
Teaching your body to flex and relax its muscles is a good way to release stored tension, which relieve stress. Allot at least 15 to 30 minutes of relaxation time. Be sure to practice this relaxation technique when you know that you will not be disturbed, and take the phone off the hook. After the session is over, gently stretch your body, allowing yourself to slowly come out of the relaxed state.