Sunday, 29 July 2012

Free NLP EBooks Or Buying NLP EBooks

Today more and more people are discovering NLP or neuro-linguistic programming and are experiencing first hand improvements to their day to day lives. The primary aim of this article is to look into just some of the many benefits achievable through understanding and applying neuro-linguistic programming. We'll cover some of the benefits you should look for when you buy NLP eBooks and NLP audio downloads or when you buy a physical book on this topic.
We will also look at the pros and cons of free NLP resources versus buying an NLP ebook, eBook or buying an NLP audio course.
Firstly we'll touch on a few of the many benefits of learning about this topic, whether that be from getting free NLP resources or from investing in NLP resources. We'll look at building a foundation of knowledge in NLP, whether a 'do it yourself' approach is ever advisable and how to save yourself a lot of time.
There are many benefits of learning NLP and applying it to your life. Here are just a few of the benefits you'll easily achieve with this art or science:
How to quit smoking.
Overcome phobias holding you back.
Overcome negative experiences holding you back.
Deal with criticism effectively from now on so it won't hurt anymore.
How to change your mindset and outlook on life and see the changes in your life.
Build rapport with anyone and master the art of persuasion.
Learn to communicate clearly, expressing exactly what you're trying to say.
Just imagine how great you'll feel when you've made just one of these changes. Of course free NLP resources are unlikely to enable you to achieve all these benefits. However, learning how to make these changes will most likely be possible when you buy NLP resources, like if you buy NLP eBooks or buy NLP audio course downloads.
Like any topic, the more you read, learn and put what you've learned into action the better as long as what you've read is from a reliable source.
Some free NLP resources like eBooks, reports and NLP mini-courses will provide a valuable 'taster' of what a paid NLP eBook teaches and these free resources may have some solutions for your life in their own right.
Generally speaking, the approach of trying to learn a subject like this through just using free resources will almost definitely be 'hit and miss' though.
However, that's not to say that you cannot discover some gems of free NLP facts along the way.
Of course you'll save yourself a lot of time and have far more potential for success when you invest in an NLP eBook or audio course which will have all the pieces tied together already.
Often you can buy NLP eBooks and audio courses together at a very reasonable price, especially given the potential benefits for your life.
To summarise, it is arguably a good idea to try and build up a good foundation of knowledge and understanding from free NLP eBooks and NLP resources in general, including articles.
It's worth saying though that to avoid 'hit and miss' results and to get results quicker, it's strongly advised to at least buy a proven neuro-linguistic programming course, whether that be a book or buying an eBook and audio course.
Of course if you buy an NLP eBook download and an NLP audio course it will be quicker and probably easier to understand and put into action than getting a physical book.
Whatever route you decide to take, it's well worth learning about NLP and applying it for the many benefits it can provide for your life.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Great Tips for Beginning Students of NLP

Thanks in large part to the Internet, the amount of information available on NLP can be a bit overwhelming, especially to a beginner. First step - don't worry! Many have been in your shoes before and attained deep and powerful skills.
Here are some tips gathered from my personal experience as a Master Practitioner that will help guide you on your way.
I) "Take it easy, but take it." - Woody Gutherie.
Many pieces of NLP are very in-depth and cannot be mastered all at once. Make sure you are biting off manageable pieces. Even if you are simply focusing on one specific technique, for example the meta-model, it is possible and recommended to break it down even further into its component parts. Learn one part well and then move on to another. Was Rome built in one day?
II) Formulate a Specific Plan of Action
Even if you are working with manageable chunks, it is still possible to be overwhelmed. Think about your goals and the sequence of pieces that you will need in place to make that happen. When choosing a NLP piece to work on, ask yourself questions like "What piece can I learn know that will make all of the other pieces simpler to learn?" or "Which piece will have the most immediate impact on my life?" You can even take it to a simpler place: "Which piece will cause me to have the most fun today?"
III) Get Off Your Couch and Out Into the World
At the end of the day, all of the reading in the world won't help you one iota without concrete action. It is in the real world that we make real strides. Get out there and practice - you will probably surprise yourself! Do you want to be a Master Practitioner or a Master Researcher?
IV) Develop a Daily NLP Practice Regimen
Daily practice is essential to progress, even if you only spend a few minutes each day. Once you get started practicing every day, you will begin to see more and more opportunities to apply your training. Don't forget to use them.
V) Practice Receiving Feedback in a Constructive Way
No matter what the content of the feedback, you can use it as a learning opportunity. Negative feedback tells you what to work on, and positive feedback helps you realize you are on the right path. Of course, don't forget to celebrate your successes!
VI) Remember that Learning is a Process
No one has ever said that learning something new is easy. Remember that there will be bumps along the way and that this is totally normal! Take comfort in the fact that you are taking time to work on yourself -a step that many people never undertake. Appreciate your progress and enjoy the journey.
VII) Take notice of NLP Occurring in its Natural Environment
Sometimes excellence occurs in places you never would have thought of. These are great opportunities for you to absorb and experience excellence first hand - don't let them go to waste! Where do you think NLP came from originally?
VIII) Remember and Apply this Simple but Insightful Joke.
A tourist has tickets to a concert at Carnegie Hall but can't find the way. He asks a pedestrian "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" The answer: "Practice Practice Practice!"
IX) Don't forget to have fun!
Seriously. It is a well-known scientific fact that people learn better, faster and with more depth when they are having fun. It sounds simple, but if you think of your training as a difficult and unwanted chore, you will surely get lost along the way and your practice will suffer. Plus, by having fun you get the added benefit of having fun!
I hope these tips will help practitioners of all levels deepen and improve their NLP experience and their daily lives. I wish you good luck and lots of fun on your journey!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Starting NLP Training

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Starting NLP training can be a lot of fun, either by yourself or in a group environment. Like any type of training it is important that you do it in a way where you feel comfortable. Some people learn best by themselves, and others learn best in groups.
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It was created in the 1970's by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. NLP is essentially a type of therapy. The basic premise is that by modeling anyone who is excellent at what they do you can become excellent yourself.
For example, if you want to become a better golfer, instead of learning through trial and error, you could find someone who is great at golf and study their techniques, swings, but more importantly how they think.
For example by learning how Tiger Woods mentally approaches each shot, each hole, you can model what he does and improve your golf game. My NLP training started through reading books. There are hundreds of great NLP books available. If you are just learning about this area, start with some introductory books on the subject.
Be careful when picking out books to read, some NLP books can be very advanced and can be quite dry for the beginner. Many of these books were written for certified NLP practitioners and not for beginners.
Another way to get training is through group workshops. These are held all over the nation and are a great way to get cutting edge techniques. Try and find a workshop for beginners. A lot of these workshops focus on more advanced techniques or their purpose is for more advanced practitioners to gain certification.
If you don't have time to travel there are also lots of great audio courses you could buy as well. Some people learn better through audio courses, which can be a very convenient way to learn. You can easily spend a small fortune doing NLP training if you wanted to. I find it best to not spend all your money on one large conference, but to go to smaller one-day workshops, or buy study at home courses, which are much cheaper.
If money is really an issue, eBay always seems to have a good amount of NLP material available. However you choose to learn about NLP, pick a way that you feel comfortable with. You might find that you like NLP so much you want to become a certified practitioner.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Time For Stock Take in Your Life

Every year shops and businesses do a stock take of all their products and services and are able to define where there business is going and what profits they have made since their last stock take etc Now we could all say yep OK what has that got to do with me and stress, but have you ever thought about doing that in your own life. Interesting isn't, what if we were to take time two to three times a year and do our stock take on our own life.
But I think if we are going to sit and stock take in our lives then we are going to have to go at it with an open mind being honest with ourselves about own life. And with out allowing assumptions on what other people think of us. It has to be done in way that you are free to do as you wish. We can get so wrapped up in conforming to what is expected of us and from society that we forget about ourselves. We just keep going with the flow of life.
Well just maybe its time we should take time and do a stock on our life and think about all the things we want to do. How many times do you read a story about someone that is dying or they are old and they are contemplating their lives and thinking about all the things they wished they had done in their life. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but only when you don't wait till you're dying and old and its all too late. If we were to do a stock take often then we would be living our lives to the fullest and when we are old we can look back and say hey I did everything I wanted, I achieved a lot and I had ago.
So how does this relate to stress in our life? Well if we were living our lives how we wanted and doing what we wanted to do in our lives then we wouldn't have stress in our life. We would be living in a state of joy and happiness.
So take some time out of your life, away from your everyday life and the people. Take yourself away for a couple of days and sit under a tree and think about what it is you would like to do in your life. Don't think about oh but what if this, but what if that, it's not important and really just an excuse of why you're not going to do it. Ask yourself if I did this or I did that how would I feel, and if you get that excited rush through the body then there is your answer it means go and do it.
So if you want to make some changes in your life and feel hesitant to do it then let me tell you something from experience. Often when we want to make a huge change in our life we hesitate because we are not sure what's on the other side or how everything will work out. But as soon as you make the decision and you take the leap you don't look back and everything just changes for the better and you have a whole new world right there before you and you think to yourself why didn't I do this sooner. So don't worry about it just do it and it all works out like you never expected.
On a side note here writing this article it reminds of the story in the Movie Pretty Woman. Yes I know it was like a love story but if you look at the guys side this is what he did, he made changes in a whole new direction in his life. This movie is a great example of what I am talking about.
So start doing a stock take on your life now, and start taking action and doing what you want to do in your life, don't wait till your dying or you're old. Just Do It Now.