Thursday, 27 February 2014

Enter Your Peak State, Unleash Your Power Within (An Empowering Message From Anthony Robbins)

What is that you really want in your life right now?
I suppose we all have a goal - that something that we absolutely want right now. Whether it be a great relationship, more money, a great job or just to be healthy again.
Wanting it is one thing. Getting it is quite another.
Most of us have been taught that to get what we really Want, we have to think positive, set goals, work hard, be patient, and make sacrifices - Right?
Tony Robbins, after spending a lifetime coaching some of the most successful people on the planet, has a completely different view on what it takes to get what you really want
Think back to one of those rare moments when you felt
On top of the world: Fearless and certain, with limitless energy, incredible ability, amazing clarity of thought able to conquer anything Vibrant with an aliveness impossible to describe. Inspired bursting with creativity, brilliant ideas, and plans for exciting things to do  In total control, optimistic, tasting a level of freedom that few ever find  a golden moment in which your life was rich with purpose, meaning, awe, and inner peace.
Then in a flash, it’s gone. You’re back to living half a life, and doing things the hard way.
Now what?
How long do you wait for the moment to return? A week, a month, a year, a lifetime?
Let me show you how you can enter this state, instantly - at your command - unleashing an incredible power that transforms your life and fulfils your every dream
Let me share a story to illustrate my point:
I was on a flight, sitting in first class, when shortly after take-off I heard,  Aren’t you the power guy?I turned, and from across the aisle, I again heard, Anthony Robbins. The power guy. Right? I smiled and nodded.
The well-dressed elderly man introduced himself, told me the name of his company, and to impress me, mentioned the major league sports team he owns. I’ll call him Mr. Big. He then introduced the man next to him, his lawyer, who I’ll call Phil.
You promise unlimited power. Isn’t that your shtick? asked Mr. Big.
He obviously thrives on confrontation. If he only knew what was about to happen.
I’m intrigued, he continued without waiting for my reply,  I’ve watched your infomercial, and I think it’s a lot of crap.
I listened politely.
The way I see it, everyone falls into one of two groups: the powerful and the powerless. Ninety-nine percent are powerless  and regardless of what you promise them, they’ll stay powerless until the day they die.
 You’re missing the point, I said.  Everyone has an untapped power centre, and I show people how to unleash it and use it to fulfil their dreams.
 Bull****! You want to see real power? Watch this.
Mr. Big picked up his drink and, without hesitation, poured it slowly into Phil’s lap. Phil jumped up, blurted an obscenity, and looked at Mr. Big in horror. Frantically, he brushed the ice onto the floor, wiped his wet pants, forced a frozen smile, and said,  That’s funny.
Mr. Big then turned to me and said,  That, Mr. Robbins, is power.
 Powerlessness condemns people to a lifelong prison sentence
I’ve seen thousands of people like Phil - intelligent, talented, well-educated, full of big dreams - who are prepared to work hard and make sacrifices. They do everything right but in the end, they fall short of their expectations.
Because they’re missing the key ingredient:
To make things happen, you first have to turn on your power and enter your peak state.
If you don’t, it’s like putting a roast into a cold oven and forgetting to turn on the heat. Nothing’s going to happen.
Without the power, people’s lives become a string of good intentions - instead of the achievements, victories, fulfilment, and results they desire. They spend their lives working too hard, for too long, reaping few lifetime rewards, giving up often, and settling for less than they want and deserve.
Phil could have it all. He just needed to know he had the power and how to activate it. Until he finds the power, he’ll spend the rest of his working life being a doormat to bullies like Mr. Big.
I couldn’t sit there and do nothing.
When Mr. Big went to the restroom, I asked Phil why he put up with such abuse.  He’s harmless. He’s just having fun, Phil said. Then adding,  But I have been thinking that I should drop him as a client.
It drives me crazy when I hear people say  should.
 Shoulds never materialise. It’s a clear sign that Phil sees himself as powerless. At that moment, I decided to share what I know with Phil.
I reached into my briefcase, removed my personal notes from the three-and-a-half-day seminar I had just given,  Unleash the Power Within , took out half a dozen relevant pages and handed them to him and said,  You MUST read this, now!
One of the first things I tell people at my Unleash the Power Within seminar is to replace the word SHOULD with MUST.
Instead of saying, I should find a better job, I should start my own business, I should lose weight, I should quit smoking, I should spend more time with my kids say MUST.
Say, I must find a better job, I must start my own business, I must lose weight, I must quit smoking, I must spend more time with my kids and you’ll notice an immediate change.
Achieving what you want is easy  when you know how to unleash the power within.
Mr. Big returned from the restroom, took his seat, and grabbed a magazine. Phil was studying the pages I handed him. About 20 minutes later, Phil stopped reading, placed the papers on his pullout table, and stared directly ahead into space.
 Phil, Mr. Big said. Phil didn’t answer. He just kept staring.  Phil, what time are we going to land?
Looking straight ahead, barely moving a muscle, Phil replied,  3:55.
 Jim’s going to meet us at the airport, right?
 You know how we’re going to play this, right?
 I don’t want any screw-ups.
 No screw-ups.
Phil sat there, staring straight ahead, appearing to be somewhere else, lost in thought. But actually, something quite different was taking place inside Phil. I could see it. I’ve seen it thousands of times in other people as it happened to them.
I’ve seen the same look in people who attend my seminar as they step onto a bed of red-hot coals - glowing at 1,500 degrees - walk across, smiling and relaxed, without burning their feet.
I’ve seen the same look in people who accomplish amazing feats that few can do.
How did they do it? They entered their  Peak State  
Phil was there at this moment, and I watched with the same pride that parents have as they watch their child perform in a school play. I just sat and waited to see what he would do with it.
Suddenly, Phil called the flight attendant and asked if there was an empty seat back in coach.
 Plenty, he said.
 Good. I’d like one, please.
Mr. Big looked startled,  What’s going on, Phil?
Phil got up, grabbed his laptop computer, turned to Mr. Big and calmly said,  You’ll have to find another lawyer.
 Sit down, Phil! he said.
Phil just smiled as he grabbed his things from overhead.
 If you don’t sit down right now, I’ll  
 You’ll do what?
 I’ll I’ll  
Still smiling, Phil turned, winked at me, mouthed,  Thanks , and walked to the rear of the plane.
Mr. Big’s face was red. He turned to me and said,  Do you see the kind of idiots I have to deal with? Then after a pause,  I’ll bet you 50 bucks that he’ll be back  he’ll be back before this plane touches down  he’ll be crawling back to me.
Phil stayed in coach, enjoyed the flight, and made plans for a new life.
The key ingredient to transforming your life is tapping into your inner power
What happened to Phil?
Well, two things.
First, he discovered something that few people know. And of those who know, only a handful understand how it works:
He learned that inside each of us is a power centre - the source of that powerful, driving force that, once unleashed, makes any vision, dream, or desire a reality.
The second thing he discovered is the most beneficial of all:
A simple way to unleash that power.
But here’s the interesting part
As you unleash that power, you’re entering your  peak state and are capable of achieving whatever you desire, with surprisingly little effort.
Your physical abilities multiply. Your mental abilities multiply. Your talents multiply. Your skills multiply. Everything you do, you will do that much better. Obstacles, the unknown, and doubt disappear. You perform the most difficult task, effortlessly.
Operate from your  peak state, and you’ll have more confidence, more self-esteem, more passion, and more enthusiasm. You’ll be at the top of your game, as they say.
Enter your  peak state and answers are instant and insightful. You see the higher purpose for your life. Old patterns and limiting beliefs vanish. For the first time in your life, you know what it means to be FREE! I mean Really Free!
In your  peak state you communicate distinctly. You look different. People perceive you as taller. Better looking. You glow.
Hope and chance are replaced with  by design. You know where you’re going, how you’re going to get there, and nothing can stop you.
Everyone doubts it works  until they try it.
 Something doesn’t sound right, people argue.  Are you saying that once you unleash the power inside you, you can accomplish anything?
Yes, anything! And without force. Without willpower. Without positive thinking. Without repetition of affirmations. Enter your  peak state and nothing will stand in your way.
I invite you to experience my live weekend event,  Unleash the Power Within , where you’ll discover how to identify what it is you really want, permanently break through any barriers that might be holding you back, dramatically increase your physical energy and mental clarity, and infuse passion into your daily life. Learn how that can happen for here.
Love and respect,

Anthony Robbins

Author & Peak Performance Strategist

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

3 Exercises to Boost Your Brain Power

Contrary to what might be said, there is no exercise or activity that will give immediate results. Just as with a muscle, making the brain stronger is something that takes time. Before you notice any improvement it is likely that a few weeks will pass by. What will happen is that the brain sees itself challenged beyond its comfort zone and adapt its capabilities and resources to be able to cope with what we are demanding of it. For a few examples of how to do this, keep reading.
Block out senses: We are very reliant on two basic senses in order to go through our daily lives: hearing and sight. What would happen if one of these were blocked out? Your brain acknowledges the lack of information coming from that source and will emphasize more on the information coming from the remaining ones. Say you blindfolded yourself to do some chores like folding clothes or having lunch. Or putting earplugs in to go to the supermarket. It becomes a strange experience at first but little by little your brain will work at making the actions you take in that state become more familiar and secure. When you get to that point you can rest assured that the brain will have gotten used to overcoming a challenging situation and will be more prepared for and unusual circumstance in the future. Make this a constant practice, maybe once or twice a week and you will see results in a month or so.
Test with your senses: In order to get your brain working, don't just block out senses, but also further them individually. There are so many variations on everything nowadays that you can train sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell without going through much trouble. Buy different types of food or food from different countries/sources to try and taste the difference. Take in pieces of art and try to detect the characteristics from different painters. Listen to the same song from different artists. Go to IKEA and feel the difference of the textiles or the tiles. Go to a perfume shop and sample the various fragrances. The more variety we experience, the more work the different parts of the brain will be applied to take in and store all this information.
Every object has more than one use: It is up to you to take an object which has a very clear function, and assign it different possible uses. Be creative, find extravagant and unusual ways of implementing these objects as the brain will work hard at associating ideas and concepts to come up with situations in which these items can be put to use. The more things you can come up with the better. When your creativity has come to a dead end with that particular item, just move on to the next.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Habits That Improve Memory

The brain only keeps the information present on things it reckons it needs often. Since we only use around 10% of our brain, it will lack the potential to remember each and every detail in your life. For autistic people this may not be the case but that is because the connections in the brain are wired differently, at the expense of facial emotion recognition for example. It is possible however for us to develop the power of your memory by doing recollection exercises that stimulate our long-term and short-term memory. Here are four to get you started.
Memory Palace
The way a memory palace works is that you create a route through a location that you are very familiar with. The more you know the ins and outs of it, the better. You then pick objects along that route which will be your anchor points. This is something you have to do some time before you want to use it. it is necessary that your route, the objects and their order are firmly in place in your mind. The fact that it is a place you are very familiar with makes this more easy. Once you have solidified your route in your mind, you can start associating different elements to each object along the way. The more outrageous the association, the more likely it is that you will remember it later on. The idea is to create a story of events that happen throughout your route.
Summarize Books
You can read as much as you want, it wont do you any good if you can't remember what you've read. The easiest way to increase the amount of what sinks in is to formulate it again in our own words. An even better result is achieved if we do a mind map of the book we are reading as this requires a more thorough understanding and complex idea association practice. A little tip, don't try to read the entire book before doing your summary or mind map. Add to your summary every time you put down the book, or even the next day to let the ideas sink in properly.
Remember Childhood
We usually get flashes of past events from time to time when they are sparked through a conversation or some other triggering event. In order to really push our brain to limits we can determine a certain age or age range and attempt to remember as much as we can about experiences we lived in that time frame. They essence of this exercise is not to make a list of things we can come up with. What we are aiming for is to visualize the moment we remember and try to recall as many facts and details about it through visualization.
Help a Child with Homework
I have found that whenever I have to help out my youngest sister who is still going to school with her homework that I really have to rack my brains to remember how to do all the exercises. The matter of what is taught doesn't really change much throughout the years but naturally our brain has left aside the knowledge it didn't need since school. well, now you have the chance to give your memory a run for its money. It might take a while and it is possible that you have to read through the explanation of the exercises but after a few goes (and some desperate attempts to save face in front of a youngster) you will slowly feel the facts and methodologies come back to you as the rusty neural connections are reformed to help you overcome this challenge.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Quitters Do Win

We all share this common, yet miraculous ability to quickly notice when things suck. And we've all heard that quitting is bad, and quitters never win, so never ever quit. Never? Is there ever a time when quitting is a GOOD thing?
The gym is a good example of a place where things can get difficult. After the first 45 minutes of zumba class, you are sweating and unable to side-kick any higher, no matter how loudly the bandana-crazed drill sergeant yells. Someone behind you is entirely hogging the fan and you want to empty your water bottle over your head. Or pass out. Whichever happens first is fine.
Another example is being "stuck" in a crappy job. Your desk has been moved to the basement and you're working overtime on a dreadful project. Your boss passes by and blithely waves hello to the wall next to you, as if he finds the two of you indistinguishable. If he asked how it was going, you'd probably feel compelled to say everything is great! But an honest answer would be closer to, "Well Bob, I haven't yet gouged out my eyes with salad spoons... partially because I am an optimist, but mainly because I just don't carry around salad spoons."
Start by asking yourself why are you doing it. What do you get out of it, and how is that good for you? Working out is an easy one, the benefits are being healthy, feeling and looking good. The dreadful job, you might say, is necessary to pay your rent and that gym membership. But perhaps it is NOT necessary to do that particular soul-stomping job in order to make a living.
Which option serves you best? When are you doing yourself a favor by quitting, as opposed to depriving yourself of an opportunity to contribute to your overall happiness?
Two people in the same circumstances can end up with opposite conclusions. The difference is not the situation, but the choice. Your butt might be sore the next day, but you CHOOSE to take zumba because you love fitting into your skinny jeans, feel healthier, or enjoy the after cardio high. Your best friend might also love skinny jeans but despise zumba and anything resembling a gym, and choose to fit in them solely through diet.
That job is making you miserable and you don't care about the work. So why do it? Start looking for a better way to earn money that not only doesn't stress you out, but that you actually enjoy! Sometime when the going gets tough, the tough really do get going. As in, out-the-door. Goodbye.
Another way to look at your choices is to ask yourself whether you are quitting because you are going toward something better, and not simply reacting to difficulty by running away from it.
Have a goal you are excited about, a definite destination. There are many avenues to choose from to get where you want to be. As Lewis Carrol said, "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." You are not confined to taking the miserable path through the basement office.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Why Real Learning Requires An OPEN Mind

Nearly every day, each of us have opportunities for additional training regarding some issue that we might want, or need to address. Have you ever wondered why so many individuals take so many courses and training programs, and often seem immediately enthusiastic, yet why so few of them actually use the techniques taught on a regular basis? In the vast majority of cases, we hinder our own opportunities for true learning because we refuse to adapt or consider alternatives, or we refuse to actually discipline ourselves to follow the steps and/ or methodologies that we have been taught. It is often our refusal to proceed with an OPEN mind that becomes our greatest deterrent to our own personal growth and/ or improvement. The significance of remaining OPEN to true learning requires some commitment to what that requires. Some of these components are evident obviously from a mnemonic perspective: Do we wish to discover opportunities and to be able to be prepared for them?; Will we find additional energy which is driven by our enthusiastic approach to learning and discover?; and, Do new and different ways of doing things help us enhance our opportunities and understanding?
1. Improvement in anything we do is driven by having the willingness and ability to be driven by opportunities. This requires first realizing that we need to expose ourselves to numerous alternatives, and to develop the ability to disseminate ideas and discover and evaluate their value and usefulness. Only when we are willing to open our minds up to learning more do we gain as much as we can from any sort of training.
2. The better trained we are, and the better we understand what we are taught, the more prepared we are to take timely action and to improve our personal performance. We can only prepare when we learn how to evaluate and plan, and that requires an open - minded appetite for useful knowledge and information.
3. Far too often, individuals seem to go through even extensive training programs in a less than full - hearted, or enthusiastic manner. Training by itself rarely serves any useful purpose unless we enthusiastically approach becoming better through gaining valuable knowledge, and then transforming it to viable and useful action and purpose.
4. Life is never a static condition. Since it is constantly evolving, each of us need to commit to continuously seek new approaches to best adapt to these changes. It is our attitude and willingness to escape our comfort zone and broaden our viewpoint that often determines how much, or little, we gain from any sort of training.
When we proceed seeking more knowledge and understanding, refusing to accept or simply maintain the status quo, we enhance our potential. Only those willing to remain open to all the potential opportunities maximize their own ability to truly learn effectively and in a meaningful manner.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Memory Palace: Method of Loci

The method of loci, also called the memory palace, is a mnemonic device introduced in ancient Roman rhetorical treatises. It relies on memorized spatial (of or relating to facility in perceiving relation of objects) relationships to establish, order and recollect memorial content. The term is most often found in specialized works on psychology, neurobiology, and memory, though it was used in the same general way at least as early as the first half of the nineteenth century in works on rhetoric, logic, and philosophy.
Method of loci is also commonly called the mental walk. In simple terms, it is a method of memory enrichment which uses visualization to organize and recall information. Various memory contest champions claim to use this technique in order to recall faces, digits, and lists of words. These champions' successes have little to do with brain structure or intelligence, but more to do with their technique of using regions of their brain that have to do with spatial learning. These techniques can be learned and utilized by anyone and the younger the learner the more they have an opportunity to develop this skill into a habit.
To use the method of loci bring to mind a familiar building, such as your house. Take a moment to conduct a mental walk through the rooms in your house. Pay particular attention to the details, noticing any imperfections that make your mental images more vivid. Make sure you can move easily from one room to another.
Along your route create a list of "loci":i.e. well defined parts of the room that you can use later to memorize things. A locus can be a door, a bed, an oven, etc. Be sure that you can easily go from locus to locus as you visit the house.
Now, when you are faced with a list of words or ideas to be memorized, you must form visual images for each of the words and place them, in order, on the loci in your route. To recall the words or ideas now you take a mental walk throughout your house, asking yourself, "What is on the living-room door? What's on the bed? What's in the oven?" And so on.
Don't believe that it will work? Let's try! The list that I am about to give you has seven items on it. Before reading the list I want you to choose a place (like suggested above) that is very familiar to you. Got the place? Now imagine at least seven very distinct locations within your familiar place. Got it all? Good! Once you read the list assign the first item to the first location, the second item to the second location, and so on. Take a few moments to really visualize each item in each place.
1. Oranges
2. Bread
3. Chicken
4. Corn
5. Milk
6. Eggs
7. Pop
Now that you have each item assigned to a particular place do a final "walk trough" while vividly picturing your items and location. I'll wait... Got it? Ok, now grab pen and paper (uou will need it later), continue reading, and at the end we will see how well you remember!
The method of loci can be used for much more than simple single concept lists. It can also be used as something of a navigational map through more complex ideas which will come in handy for college students or those studying to give their current career a boost. You basically follow the same steps that I have listed, but instead of assigning single concept words to each location you will assign key words or phrases that are relatable to whatever it is that you are trying to learn.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that the method for memory described in this article is just one method. To fully develop your brains potential it is important to research all methods, find what works for you and use a combination of several methods and of course diet and exercise are vital!
Ready for recall? Without looking at the list given picture your house or building and begin your mental walk again. Can you remember? With your pen and paper recall all that you can from the list of items. Order is relevant since you wanted to match the items in order with the locations. However, to start just remembering all or most of the items is most important. When your list is complete reference it to the list above. Good Luck!