Monday, 31 March 2014

Anthony Robbins' Six Human Needs

Tony Robbins' audio program, Personal Power II (and lots of other works he has done), discusses about the 6 human needs. These needs are considered the primal needs that as humans are portion of our nature. 

1) Certainty/Comfort
As human beings, we all want certainty, which mean we avoid pain as a lot we can and want much more pleasure in our lives. We make certain that we all issues are in location and in order. We want all our daily needs for survival always available. We also want feel comfortable on our surroundings, conditions and ourselves. Some seek certainty to gain power over others by controlling them, and some use it to benefit others. Whether we like it or not, we want to feel comfortable and and sometimes, if not most of the time, laidback, relaxed and just plain lazy. 

2) Uncertainty/Variety
This is the opposite of the first need. When we feel that we lack something. We want to try other things because we are bored. There are also repercussions you get uncertain, addiction enters when feel we want something different or an option for being discontent and uncertain. We need to take control of this will need. 

3) Significance
Humans want to really feel essential and really feel special. We desire to separate ourselves with other people. We feel that becoming distinctive can make a statement to folks you want to be with. This may visit the next human require..

4) Connection/Love
We want belonging, connection and association. We feel the affection when we're with an individual or belong to a group. That's why some folks wan to join gangs or fraternity for they really feel the acceptance that they can't get from anybody. 

5) Growth 
As you go along with life, you want to evolve as you grow up. You gain experience and want more and want another expertise. You will really feel unhappy and incomplete in the event you did have growth. And this growth, will make the individual have a sense of.. 

6) Contribution
With growth comes as need for contribution. We need to be portion of a thing. An event, an important portion of a project, and we wish to be responsible to men and women too.

These the basic human needs that each man and lady needs. They're not wishes, they're needs. You might have the power to fulfill your needs in a positive or in a damaging way. 

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

The Benefits of a Gratitude Journal

Keeping a gratitude journal is your first step towards being truly grateful in life. Every day is a new opportunity to give thanks of so many things. It is actually too many for you to remember them one by one at the end of your day. This makes the gratitude journal a handy companion in your effort to live life in gratitude. Why is it important to give thanks? Well, first of all it makes life more beautiful. A famed author once said that gratitude is the memory of the heart. Gratitude is both an emotion and an action word that fills your soul with happiness and delight. Why not keep track of everything that is worthy of thanksgiving?
If you are in the path of applying the law of attraction in your life and living a lie of true abundance and happiness then keeping a gratitude journal is a must-do. It allows you to have an exhaustive list to keep that fire of gratitude burning inside you - the secret to keep the law of attraction working for you everyday.
Gratitude in depth
Do not just write a list of things to be thankful for. Go deeper than just the numbers and try to expound on the items you are writing in your list. This makes the journal more engaging and personal to you, making it easier for you to be happy and truly thankful as you review the entries you have in your journal. It is easy to list your spouse on the journal but it would be better if you can write down the reason behind that entry. Is it because of a beautiful bouquet of flowers from him? Is it a simple but delicious meal from her? These can be huge highlights in your day that can go a long way in making your heart overflow with thanksgiving.
Writing as a habit
Keeping a gratitude journal demands commitment from you to write in entries as often as you can. You can keep a schedule and stick to it. You can choose to write on the journal every day, thrice a day, or if you are very busy, thrice a week. Be sure to set a schedule you can stick with for a long time. This will make the journal well kept up and also help you build up a habit that is not intrusive and burdensome to you. When you look at keeping a gratitude journal as work and too demanding it would defeat the whole purpose of keeping one.
Take time to read and reflect
The gratitude journal is only a means to an end, not an end in itself. You need to dedicate time to read through your entries and reflect on the attracting abundance to your life. This builds up that attitude of thanksgiving, enabling you to fully maximize the journal. The entries can easily uplift your soul and gets you in a position of positive expectation. Imagine having an accurate record of all the good things that happened to you. It can be a good tool in snapping out of negative thoughts and emotions.
There are 3 crucial steps to attract abundance in every area of your life by Identifying what you want (setting the intention), showing your desire attention, and allowing it to manifest in your life by having faith that it will come to pass for you. Having a bad day? Read through your gratitude journal!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Anthony Robbins' Ultimate Success Formula

Anthony Robbins' Ultimate Success Formula enable you to Achieve Anything You Want in Life
Have you wonder why some people achieve success in their life? Want factors contribute to their success and why 95% of other people fail to achieve success in their life?
There are many factors contribute to the success of this group of high achiever. Excellent communication skill, good habits, how to turn failure and setback into Million Dollar Opportunities and many more.
But regardless of their background, one of the most important attribute they share is that they apply ultimate success formula in their life. Fortunately for you and me, Ultimate Success Formula is not exclusive to successful people. We too can modeling and learn this formula from successful people.
We can achieve success in our life as well by using the same formula. The following are the steps of Anthony Robbins' ultimate success formula:
1) Set goal - they understand what they time frame to achieve the goal. The most things are that the goal must be very specific in detail. The example of specific goal is to earn 1 million dollar in 1 year time.
This is contrast to general goal such as I want to earn a lot of money. The specific goal helps the high achiever to bring the best out of themselves and enable them to achieve their target.
2) After goal setting by the high achiever, the high achiever will brainstorm and develop the best strategic to achieve the goal. After mapping of the strategic, they will start action base on their strategic. The most important is to start action because only actions can help them to move forward.
Without action, nothing will change and nothing will happen. By this state, you may ask this questions, by taken actions are they guarantee achieve success? More often than not, they will suffer failure. Success people rarely achieve success in first attempt.
But what differential successful people from the ordinary people are that they will apply the last step of the Anthony Robbins' ultimate successful formula.
3) Change strategic - after initial setback, successful people will evaluate the fail strategic and develop new strategic for the goal. They never accept the initial setback as failure and to them this is just a feedback to them what things do not work. They keep changing strategies and action until they achieve their goal.
Of course ultimate successful formula is just one of the attribute that contribute to the success of the highly successful people.
There are other attributes that empower highly successful people to achieve in their life which include effective communicate skills, take charge of emotion state, and eliminate limiting beliefs and many more.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Find Out How to Let Your Mind Power Increase

Over time we will realize the brain loses the capacity to do some tasks with the same efficiency and speed as before. Normally this is due to the owner not implementing it enough which ultimately results in the connections between the neurons to be broken as the brain assumes they aren't needed. In order to reopen these channels of information in the brain, we must work hard at challenging our brain, making it fall back on those neural connections and creating new ones to solve the problems it must deal with. Some ways to do this are listed below.
Practice thinking critically: This advice will not only cause your brain to think further than the obvious truth or fact presented to us, but it will also help you in your day to day by providing you with the necessary defenses against cleverly thought out wording and manipulative conversations. Keep in mind a few things when you encounter a situation in which your intuition tells you there might be something fishy going on.
Firstly, ask many questions. Asking questions will require the claimant of a fact to rethink what has been said to reply in a coherent manner. Many people are caught off guard by unusual and thorough questions. Make sure to know the ins and outs of a topic before accepting the claims about it to be true. It will also force you to understand completely and to find incongruities in what is being said.
Secondly, solve problems systematically. In some situations you will have a problem that has no obvious solution. In this case it is good practice to make two lists. The first will have written down all the details you know about the problem. The second will have all the possible solutions you can come up with. The process then is simple. Go through each of the solutions one by one and compare them against the first list to check if that solution is viable or not. You can also do this in reverse order, making the solutions list first, and then the details list.
Lastly, be skeptical. Do not accept whatever you hear directly without questioning. Even things that are most likely true or sound pretty probable/reasonable should be questioned before being accepted. To put it simple, repeat the first step of questioning as often as you can get away with.
Mind to paper: Try your hand at drawing often. It is not necessary to sketch realistic landscapes and portraits. The aim of this exercise is to express your feelings, thoughts and emotions onto the page. It doesn't even have to make sense or be interpreted by anyone else. It is just for your mind to search in its depths for adequate representations of what you are intending to express.
Think positively: We get what we wish for. This saying is true in the sense that if we think of what we desire in a positive light, our subconscious will cause us to act in manners according to us achieving our goal. It is important that we avoid thinking in negative terms like "I don't want this to happen" but rather "I see myself achieving this".
I hope this information helps you to get started in becoming as smart and quick witted as you hope.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

How To Unleash Your Inner Power For Success

The most important ingredient for success is conditioning your mind to reduce the time needed to improve and reinforce your skills in various areas.
It can involve areas as diverse as golf to pistol shooting. This conditioning involves you, who have had less success at this point but determination and the basic skills, assuming internal models that as close as possible to those which the more successful person has developed through their greater training and experience.
You still need the knowledge to do the task; handle the gun or aim your golf ball, and the physical capacity to support your actions but, using this technique can markedly reduce the time needed to improve the results that you get.
You are, in effect, using the expert’s recipe (internal model) to produce a better result than you could get with the one that you have built up inside your own mind and muscles at this point.
You will probably not equal their results during the training process, but your rate of improvement will be more rapid from that time onward. You may also need to train yourself to accept that the rate of improvement is really possible. Many of our limitations are imposed by our own poor self-beliefs.
Sometimes that mental limitation is reinforced by our parents and our peers, too.
So, we model the methods of those who are getting the results that we desire. Then, we produce a mental image of us doing the task more successfully than ever before. This might be from a viewpoint inside your own body or as a movie where you are watching yourself doing it.
Some people are more comfortable with one method or the other but you should try each method and not just stay with the first one that you try all the time. Using one method will be better for you with some activities, while you’ll get better results with the other in different situations.
A particular method will not always be the best for everyone that is engaged in the same activity because our circumstances, belief systems and ability vary greatly. So, if one type of mental image does not help you much for some task that you are trying to improve your results with, clear your mind and create the other type of movie (internal or external view).
Of course, you will find that the benefit you get from these techniques will improve as you use them a few more times and become more confident about their effectiveness.
If you don’t get the sort of results that you expect with both types of mental reinforcement, you may need to study the expert more closely; your modelling may not be based on sufficiently accurate and detailed information of the expert’s approach and techniques.
Use Positives to Reduce Negative Influences
Another powerful technique that will accelerate your path to success is to consistently fill your mind with positive thoughts - and reject or, at least, reduce the impact of negative influences that may be around you.
When a particular problem is pressing on you to the point that it’s affecting your work or personal life, it can help to write out the problem and all the possible outcomes. Some people can do this just as a mental exercise, but others find that they can focus better by writing it all down.
Now, consider the worst outcome and how important would the impact of it really be?
People that go through this exercise often realise that they have assigned greater importance to the matter and brought more suffering on themselves than necessary because the most feared outcome may be much less likely and its impact not as critical as they had feared. If that is true for the matter you are dwelling on, then just crumple the paper and dispose of it.
If the matter is truly serious, the exercise of writing it down will help you to see the best options that you can use to deal with it, so that you can take action.
And, after all, taking action when you have worked out the different possibilities first, is the best way to handle any problem.
Anchor Yourself in the Good Times
There are many strategies that help people improve their lives and relationships. One such strategy is Anchoring which helps reproduce your most pleasurable and successful actions and combat the effects of any negative conditioning which you have stored within yourself.
When you achieve a particularly good result with something (such as a golf stroke), or feel particularly good at a social gathering (enjoying a joke with friends or after a really nice meal), anchor the feeling that is in your mind so that you can quickly recall it at other times when you may be finding it hard to stay motivated or upbeat.
You just need to do something that you don’t do as part of your normal routine and associate the action with the pleasure you are feeling at that moment. You might, for instance, touch your right shoulder with your left hand or, less obviously, touch the thumb and a particular finger of the same hand together.

Do it a few times while the good feeling is still fresh - that helps your new anchor’ to get a firm hold in your subconscious mind.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Learn How to Power Up Your Brain Through Simple Exercises

Most likely, you will at many points (more that you can remember) have felt overwhelmed at a stupid problem that required only a little effort to solve. Some time when you were asked a simple mathematical question and everyone around got it right except you. And by half a second faster at that. This is the result of extended periods of metal laziness. We get comfortable at a point in our lives and we just settle in into our comfort zone. However, once these situations of realizing that you are slacking on your mental abilities, the time has come to do something about it. Here are a few ideas to get those brain cells moving.
Take advantage of dead time
Dead time or lazy time is the moments in the day in which you are not being productive like when you are driving or waiting for an appointment. During this time where you are just gazing at nothing or looking from the watch to the door and back, you can instead do some mental exercises. These only have to be small tasks such as doing simple maths in your head or making observations on your surrounding and trying to remember them later on. Another one is to listen to things like books-on-tape.
Get writing
You can stimulate a large number of things just by writing. Memory is one of them. By having to think back to past events to note them accurately, your brain will work at providing a complete picture of the events. Another aspect is creativity and analytical abilities which are increase as we find ways to express ourselves in clear yet also entertaining ways. Writing options include: 
  • Keeping a diary
  • Keeping and idea journal
  • Making poetry
  • Taking notes regularly
  • Story writing
  • Blogging
Turn off auto correction
Technology is a great thing and it has made our lives a lot easier than before. Sadly, at the expense of the need to use our brains. Spell check is a very useful tool and naturally you should never submit any written document with spelling mistakes. The trick to break the pattern of laziness is to take the misspelt word and find the error within it rather than just clicking the right mouse button and choosing the correct variation. Sure, it might be disregarding all the hard work the programmers have put into scripting those handy tools but it is an easy and free way to put your brain to the test.
Learn how to speed read
When done correctly, speed reading will actually improve your ability to retain information and absorb it in a shorter period of time. Being able to take in so much more information with your peripheral vision will allow you to take in more information not only from the pages of the text, but also apply to your day to day life.
Get an imaginary friend
You might think this is a silly thing to do as it is only associated to children and crazy people. What may not know is that talking to a character you made up for a specific topic can help you access information that you have stored in your subconscious. Give it a try when you are stuck with a problem and feel you are not being watched.