Sunday, 8 April 2012

Truth Breeds Success and Happiness From Within

Truth & Falsehood
In all the world there are two things --- the one is Truth and the other is Falsehood and Falsehood That Seems To Be!
Well, here is a hot topic for your mental discussion. Thanks for taking the time today to learn about truth and falsehood and how you create success and excellence using truth in your life.
Unfortunately, there is not a lot of truth that is being bounced around the social mirror (society). It is inherent in the judicial system, the educational system, the health system, and any other system that can be beneficial to your growth and development.
Why is it that they cannot find a cure for cancer? Why is it that when a case goes to trial, the two sides are never the same? Why are they teaching myself and my children that Christopher Columbus discovered America but there were people already present? Why have someone created a device called a "Lie Detector?" Why are the television airwaves running rampant with court tv shows, cheaters, Maury, and Jerry Springer where people literally makes fools of themselves?
It is all because people do not tell the truth. People lie and hide behind them to really hide from their true selves. The statement "The Truth Shall Set You Free" is powerful and it really does free your mind from the stress of constantly trying to cover up a lie.
Remember this basic principle: "It takes a small book to tell the truth. It takes a large book to cover up the truth." The truth is a simple thing. It is not complicated and can literally lift the weight of the world off your shoulders.
Speak your truth all the time because it will always bring you back home to yourself. Also, remember this, it takes less energy to tell the truth than it does to fabricate a lie.
You also have to watch out for the "Falsehood That Seems To Be True.
  • Just like they tell you to lower you cholesterol to some ungodly number, but do you know that you brain needs cholesterol to function.
  • Christopher Columbus discovered America, but when he landed, Indians were present. Don't they count.
  • They can't find a cure for cancer, but go into another country where doctors are paid unless you are well and see the difference.
Watch out for the "seems to be. If they (and you know who they are) tell you to go left you had better done your research to know what is on the right.
So, in closing, speak your truth for you owe it to yourself and the people in your life to be, live, and talk who you truly are. A wonderful, growing, prosperous human being.
Thanks for spending time with me today and I wish you well on your journey of excellence.  Peace.

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