Thursday, 17 January 2013

Do You Treat Others Better Than You Do Yourself?

As we start a new year, I have a couple of questions for you. What lessons did you learn during the past year that you are going to bring with you into 2013? What experiences did you have that helped you to find out something new about yourself? You do know that as long as you allow yourself to remember that you "experience" your life and make what you believe is the best possible choice in any given circumstance you are being the best you can be.
It is not unusual when clients work with me for them to chastise themselves when they do not do something up to their expectations. They will point out to me that they know better, or that they did not follow what they may have learned from previous sessions that we spent together. I'll explain to them, that is not a problem. Learning and applying new behaviors, even when aware of them, is not always easy to do. In fact, being aware and taking accountability that they had a choice in a situation and made one which was not in line with what they wanted to experience, is a sign of moving forward. They are acknowledging accountability for their actions.
I remember one of the quotes which had the most impact from my coach training that stays with me to this day goes as follows: "If we treated our friends like we treat ourselves, we'd all go to jail." Give these words some thought. Think about the last time you either did something or had something happen to you with which you were not pleased. How did you react to the situation? Were you more critical of what happened than those around you? Did you let the experience put you at a point where you felt it was useless to try to move forward, or that you would never be able to succeed at what you were trying to achieve?
Let 2013 be the year that you realize that the things that don't go according to plan in your life are not mistakes. Instead realize that each situation is a learning experience. If the decisions you make are coming from your mind, your heart, or both they are just choices based on your past, your values and the belief systems that have been part of your life up to that point of time. As one is constantly open to learning, their belief systems can evolve. Your values may change, or they may not, but if you are making your decisions from perspectives that work best for you, and you are not hurting others in the process, then you are doing at that point in time what you believe is best for all concerned.
While one can choose to change their views and approaches to their life at any time, a new year often sets us up with a mindset that makes us more receptive to such a change. Use some of that compassion that you may use toward others toward yourself in 2013. It will help you through the obstacles that will likely occur as you move forward toward achieving your goals in the coming year. It certainly is better than treating yourself "as if you were a criminal."

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Subliminal Blaster

I just wanted to let you know about this FREE offer.  You can now get this great FREE download of Subliminal Blaster which will project subliminal messages on to your screen to help you with various aspects of your life such as quitting smoking or losing weight for example, please be aware though you are only to use this software on yourself as it is illegal to send subliminal messages to anyone else.

Subliminal Blaster Download Site Here

Below is the write up of the product:

This self-help freeware application is designed to flash subliminal messages, but its ability to modify behavior is up to you to evaluate. Subliminal Blaster's intuitive interface offers a wide variety of preset message categories, though you can easily add your own. You can select from 51 self-help areas including dealing with stress and pain, quitting smoking, and slimming sensibly. Messages are positive affirmations such as "I am always improving" and "My body feels good." You can set the location, frequency, and font for your selected messages, which will only display when the program is open but will display over any application. Subliminal Blaster is a handy, well-designed program for those who believe in the power of subliminal messages.

What is it?

Subliminal Blaster is a small utility that installs on your PC and works quietly in the background. Using a patented subliminal delivery system, Subliminal Blaster flashes safe and unobtrusive messages around your monitor as you use your PC, but its ability to modify behavior is up to you to evaluate. Because of the speed in which they're delivered to your screen, your conscious mind will merely see a "flicker" -- it won't have the pace to capture the message. However the subconscious mind absorbs every single message... and uses each one to change your thought patterns, your behaviours, even your body! And that's great -- because, your "conscious" mind isn't responsible for changing your automatic reactions and habits. Only your subconscious is! Your subconscious mind is built as a tool for betterment. It's there to respond to your environment. It "sees" things you don't even realize. Every sound. Every picture. Every phonetic nuance. Everything. So it makes sense that if your brain "reacts" to the information its fed that you should probably feed it the best information you can, right? These messages are statements of positive intent, like: I learn fast; I am calm and confident always; I enjoy speaking on stage; I attract my ideal partner easily; Every day in everyway I'm getting better, and better. Using Subliminal Blaster, you can easily: Banish negative behavior patterns; Enjoy perfect health and heal any illness, ailment or disease; Realise your perfect body weight, appearance and vitality and keep it that way. Enjoy perfect relationships with others whether friends, family or others. Maintain absolute happiness, harmony and peace in your life at all times. Dissolve stress and tension. Destroy bad habits in a flash. And best of all, you don't have to do a thing! The whole system sits on your desktop, utilizing time you already spend at your computer every moment you use your PC, you're creating a fantastic new you.

Subliminal Blaster Download Site Here

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Grow As a Person By Releasing Your Old Self

Are you looking to grow as a person but are confused on where to go?
Have you ever wondered why turn your life into a series of events instead of letting it process and flow through?
By turning your life into a series of events, you can really jack your brain up.
In a way where you turn your life into a series of things, events, and achievements.
Those are all great things but when you live your life going towards an event then you aren't letting life process through properly.
Grow as a Person and Realize that Life is Not a Static Event
When you turn life into a series of static events. You are not letting yourself grow as a person. Your life becomes only one event to the next. Cars, houses, marriage, birth of your child, your child's first word, or any process you take a picture of and freeze that moment.
When you turn your life into a series of static events what you are doing is freezing time.
And freezing time is impossible so why try and do it?
You win the football game for your high school team and you freeze that event and make it a part of who you are.
You don't let that event process through and come out the other side.
You become stuck in these certain events and turn those into who you are and then you have this old part of you that is never evolving.
Growing as a Person is Knowing Life Is Constantly Changing and Evolving
In order to change your life. You are going to have to evolve in your life.
You are going to have to release the old parts of your life you are clinging onto and let those process.
You need to let those parts of your life process the same way you let yourself process through anger or sadness or frustration. You experience these feelings and you process through the and come out the other end.
Some people however, don't process these feelings. They hold on and they then become angry, sad, or frustrated for a very long time. Or even stay like that until they die, which is a very sad thing.
But it's not very uncommon. We all hang on to certain parts of ourselves because we fear that without that part, we aren't anything. But that isn't the point of the matter. Because there is more nothing in the universe than things.
Going Through The Process of Growing as a Person
Process through the old parts of your life, the same way you process through the feelings you experience.
You may feel a sense of pride and achievement when you think of a certain victory or accomplishment you've had in your life.
But you hold onto that feelings of pride and achievement because it's hard to let those go.
They feel great, but they are really hurting you. They are hurting you to grow and evolve into a very evolved, mature, and conscious person.
The kind of person that goes through life happy for no reason. And listens to the ways of the world and lets the world guide and teach them.
The kind of person that is relaxed where they are, and accepts where they are going.
The kind of person that accepts their destiny and goes through the process of their life and reaches their full potential, and an even greater one hidden in the mystery that is your life and grow as a person.
Growing as a person is a constantly changing and evolving process. I want to help you grow as a person, and help you grow your income and business. Click the link right now for free ebooks and more information.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

How to Make New Year Resolutions That Work

The most important investments require time. Setting and achieving a resolution requires focus, effort, and commitment. Changing old habits and developing new ones won't happen overnight. The following four guidelines are meant to help you achieve all of your New Years Resolutions:
1. Focus on one resolution at a time: Divide and conquer the activities to achieve your desired results. Break larger tasks into smaller ones - each of these make up your Personal Resolution Road map, a path to achieve your goal.
2. Create a sense of accountability: Designate a friend, mentor, or companion for sharing successes, monitoring progress, and offering support. The benefit of involving others in your goals and plans is instant access to experience, knowledge, and wisdom-it also raises the bar of responsibility.
Research indicates that one of the qualities of those who are successful at making changes is that they have excellent support systems. Many of those who make resolutions never tell others about them. Consciously or subconsciously, that way if they fail no one will view them as a failure.
Communicating your resolution and intentions actually increases your accountability to the behavior. From the very beginning it is important to share your objectives and goals with those around you so that you can enlist their support. Knowing that you are accountable to someone other than yourself will help to keep you on track.
3. Persist until completed: A resolution achieved is a stunning example of consistency and hard work. If you fall behind schedule or are sidetracked for any reason, refocus! Just don't give up! Don't surrender to temptation, difficulty or temporary failure. Persist until you achieve the goal.
4. Cultivate personal integrity: Integrity gives you the oxygen needed to cross the finish line of accomplishment. Your commitment determines your level of success. This commitment boils down to two essential tactics: daily action and review.
Resolution Beginnings
The nuts and bolts of achieving any resolution are invariably the same. Neither the size of the resolutions nor the person achieving it matters. Successful New Year's Resolutions consist of the following:
Clear Purpose - For a dream to become a goal, it must be specific. Being thin is an image, losing 10 pounds by March 1 is a true resolution. Be clear on what you want to achieve.
Make a New Years Resolution that you have a real, bona fide intention of keeping. The truth is most people have not made a genuine, serious, no-kidding around- I-really-mean-to-do-this New Years Resolution!
In Writing - Describe precisely what you want, how you will earn it, when you will have it, and the benefits you'll receive from achieving your resolution. Write the details, but don't make it complex. When you put it in writing, you increase your chances of moving to the next step and increasing your level of commitment.
Your mind, while blessed with permanent memory, is cursed with lousy recall. Writing your resolution goes a long way towards achieving it.
Commitment - Without commitment, you can say, "Farewell dream. Adios potential. Toodleloo success. Hello Mediocrity!" Your resolution will find a more deserving soul: someone with courage, character, conviction... commitment.
Commitment is not only habitual but also essential - it moves you ever closer to your resolution and ultimate success. Commitment is the heartbeat of your goal.
Accountability Counts - commitment means you own it. You are responsible for taking the resolution that's on paper and turning it into a desired outcome. Owning it means tasking responsibility for changes, risks, failures, and successes.
Creating Your Resolution List
Write down your list of New Year's Resolutions. Get them all out of your head and down on paper.
Focus, Focus, Focus!
Does one resolution stand out? One that you are ready to go after. Focus on this one; you can replicate the process later.
My #1 Resolution is:
Resolution Validation
Next, validate your chosen resolution's importance. For each question below, ask yourself if you're getting a green - go, yellow - caution, or red - stop signal.
If a caution or stop signal pops into your head, stop to ask why. It might mean that this resolution isn't the right one to be focusing on. The validation test will keep you motivated as you continue on your resolution road trip.
If the validation questions show you that this is the wrong resolution for now, start over. Return to your original list, and work through the process once again. It is wiser to focus on the right resolution than to start one you're not committed to.
Write down what comes to mind as you read through each question. These notes will serve as a motivational tool for you when you are in the middle of your resolution plan.
Is This Resolution Part of My Personal Mission?
Does this resolution align with my mission? How?
How does this resolution align with my values?
How will this resolution bring me closer to living my mission?
Is This Resolution Really Me?
Is this resolution authentic?
Can I envision myself accomplishing this goal?
Is it a habit that I can incorporate into my life?
Am I The Owner of This Resolution?
Is this MY goal?
How can I take complete ownership of this resolution?
Is This Resolution In My Control?
Is this a resolution I can actually achieve?
Is it within my control or someone else's?
What do I control about this resolution?
What do I not control?
How Will This Resolution Stretch Me?
Is this a resolution that will make me grow?
How will it help me learn new things?
By investing your efforts in these guidelines that lead to successful resolutions, you give yourself a launch pad for starting your new year and your new life.
I wish for you a New Year of health, wealth, and happiness. I encourage you to pursue your resolutions with open arms and to believe deeply in your ability to enjoy the rewards of resolutions and dreams achieved.