Tuesday 8 January 2013

Grow As a Person By Releasing Your Old Self

Are you looking to grow as a person but are confused on where to go?
Have you ever wondered why turn your life into a series of events instead of letting it process and flow through?
By turning your life into a series of events, you can really jack your brain up.
In a way where you turn your life into a series of things, events, and achievements.
Those are all great things but when you live your life going towards an event then you aren't letting life process through properly.
Grow as a Person and Realize that Life is Not a Static Event
When you turn life into a series of static events. You are not letting yourself grow as a person. Your life becomes only one event to the next. Cars, houses, marriage, birth of your child, your child's first word, or any process you take a picture of and freeze that moment.
When you turn your life into a series of static events what you are doing is freezing time.
And freezing time is impossible so why try and do it?
You win the football game for your high school team and you freeze that event and make it a part of who you are.
You don't let that event process through and come out the other side.
You become stuck in these certain events and turn those into who you are and then you have this old part of you that is never evolving.
Growing as a Person is Knowing Life Is Constantly Changing and Evolving
In order to change your life. You are going to have to evolve in your life.
You are going to have to release the old parts of your life you are clinging onto and let those process.
You need to let those parts of your life process the same way you let yourself process through anger or sadness or frustration. You experience these feelings and you process through the and come out the other end.
Some people however, don't process these feelings. They hold on and they then become angry, sad, or frustrated for a very long time. Or even stay like that until they die, which is a very sad thing.
But it's not very uncommon. We all hang on to certain parts of ourselves because we fear that without that part, we aren't anything. But that isn't the point of the matter. Because there is more nothing in the universe than things.
Going Through The Process of Growing as a Person
Process through the old parts of your life, the same way you process through the feelings you experience.
You may feel a sense of pride and achievement when you think of a certain victory or accomplishment you've had in your life.
But you hold onto that feelings of pride and achievement because it's hard to let those go.
They feel great, but they are really hurting you. They are hurting you to grow and evolve into a very evolved, mature, and conscious person.
The kind of person that goes through life happy for no reason. And listens to the ways of the world and lets the world guide and teach them.
The kind of person that is relaxed where they are, and accepts where they are going.
The kind of person that accepts their destiny and goes through the process of their life and reaches their full potential, and an even greater one hidden in the mystery that is your life and grow as a person.
Growing as a person is a constantly changing and evolving process. I want to help you grow as a person, and help you grow your income and business. Click the link right now for free ebooks and more information.

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