Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Self Help Techniques For Self Development

There was once an old farmer in America's deep South, Who Struggled everyday to make ends meet. When The Oil Companies started to drill for oil in the communities surrounding his land, He was approached but refused them permission to drill. He didnt want his neighbours and fellow farmers to consider him desperate and willing to give up his core business for a chance for a quick return. However,the oil companies kept asking him and, eventually, after a particularly bad harvest, He Agreed. The Test driiling gave some good results, so they bore a hole and set up a well.Which was known as Spindle Top.
Apparently When you strike Oil, It blows the top off 'the derrick'. When Spindle Top Struck oil It destroyed 'The Derrick'. At that time is was the biggest Oil Find in American History. The Farmer became A Multimillionaire.
Here's the message. The Farmer was already a multimillionaire. He had been walking across millions of dollars of assets every single day of his life. His father had been wlking across millions of dollars of assets everyday. The diffrence came about when the farmer was persuaded to take action.
So the question is Do You Have A Spindle Top? What success story lies beneath you just waiting to be drilled and taken to market? What Are you missing because you cannot get out of bed early enough or drag yourself away from the Tv? If You Think 'If i knew i had a 'Spindle Top' I Would Find all the motivation i needed to get to work, You'd be correct and you'd flourish right up to the first challenge; And then what would happen. People who are motivated get things done, they find a way and they create energy.
One of the primary reasons people lack motivation is they believe they dont have the energy. Now Notice i said 'believe' they don't have the energy. Your Body and mind is amazing it stores energy. So even when you think your tired there is still loads of energy reserved. The Key is that when you think you cant change that is the moment you need to change? Say I Must, then physically move, give your fingers a wiggle, feet a shake, stand up and move around. Your mind and thoughts work in exactly the same way.Because the real key to motivation is to find a big enough reason 'WHY'Just think for one secound and see if you can think of the top three things that really motivate you in life.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Is The Fear of Change Holding You Back?

"Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and
discomforts." - Arnold Bennett
One of the biggest issues which have been cropping up consistently with my clients lately is that of accepting and even embracing change. Even when they know that the converting over to a new way of doing things will eventually in the long run save them time and money to say nothing of alleviating stress in their lives, they continue to kick and scream every inch of the way.
I believe the first thing you need to do in order to embrace change gracefully is to find out why you're experiencing such an adverse reaction to this new request. For example, are you afraid of failure? Having a hard time trusting yourself to go through with the process, as in "Why bother? Nothing ever changes." These conditions are all due to issues of low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and resignation which you'll need to work on at some point, but let's take a look at the bigger picture here of why you're fighting this change so hard.
At what point in your life did you become so entrenched in the 'But that's the way we've always done it' dumpster? I know there are a lot of people who subscribe to the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" choir, but that saying has one major flaw in it: what IF it can be improved by making a few changes? Should you just sit blindly by and do nothing because you're afraid of the work you'll need to do to modify something? No way!
Here's the thing about change. With change comes confusion, uncertainty, chaos, and not having all the answers. And not having all the answers is the thing that really rocks our boat. Because when we have all the answers, we can deal with those changes and it feels safe. Ah, but herein lies the kicker....there's no room for growth there and you succumb to mediocrity and ultimately fade into the woodwork so to speak.
Change is the very thing that adds spice to our everyday life. Picture this: if you ate one kind of cereal every morning for 40 years, don't you think you'd be a little bit tired of eating it at around day 14,610? (By the way, that number includes an extra 10 days for Leap years.) I'm pretty sure you just nodded your head yes at that one, right?
Change is the determining factor between having a thriving and bountiful life and business, or one that is merely existing and taking up space on the planet. Yes, change is hard to adapt to, and yes, it's uncomfortable when you're going through it - most of the best things in life do cause us some twinges of pain - but you need to realize that the immediate discomfort will soon pass.
So, the next time you're faced with any type of change, ask yourself these two questions:
1. What will the end result look like once I embrace this change and reach the goalpost?
2. If I do this now, what added benefits will it bring to my overall life?
We're talking 'big picture' here folks. Think bigger - you just might like it!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Procrastinating because of procrastination

Not doing or delaying of a task which is most often directly linked to perfectionism. A consequence of procrastination is that it often makes us feel higher levels of stress and guilt. A procrastinator typically produces less than their colleagues and are able to make a calamity from thin air. In some cases they do get angry with others as they can't fulfill their commitments as agreed. It is not unusual for most people to procrastinate sometimes but it might become a problem if it starts to affect their normal every day functions in life. People who suffer from serious procrastination might be suffering from an underlying psychological or physiological disorder to.
The word procrastination originates from the Latin {words of|] "Pro" which means forward and "Crastinus" which means of tomorrow. Many people through history have produced quotes on the subject of procrastination, for example...Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.
The are various causes with the psychological type of procrastination but normally the person with the condition to experience the following:-
1. Anxious 2. Low self esteem 3. Self defeating mentality
Often a procrastinator will have a higher than normal level of conscientiousness based on their inclination to be perfect or being an achiever. This is in complete contrast to their appreciation of their obligations and potential are. Unfortunately this can mean that they sometimes unconsciously over or underestimate the scale of the project in hand.
Researchers have looked into the physiological aspects of procrastination. Focussing in relation to the function of the prefrontal cortex of the human brain. This is responsible for executive functions like planning, impulse control, and attention and,it also behaves like a filter by reducing the amount of stimuli that can distract other parts of the brain. Should there be damage or low activation in this area of the brain then it it is likely to reduce a person's ability to disregard such stimuli that is likely to distract them. The end result is that they are poorly organized, they are usually less attentive and their susceptibility to procrastination will be increased.
It is then that expectation which was once non urgent higher up the list of things to complete and will soon become a priority. This means the procrastinator will become subject to all tasks that are urgent and because he is unable to establish any prior ties in order to get complete any task. In this case such people are often to be found spending time on tasks which are neither urgent or a priority as an escape from the stresses caused by the important tasks they are ignoring.
The procrastinator needs to understand that only by organizing their work routine and planning every day before committing to any action. It is important that they allocate time first thing each day to create a plan of action {of|for|covering) the tasks that they {need|have) to complete the following day. If they can then divide these tasks up into smaller parts in order to get the job done. Finishing a project can help relieve the effects of procrastination that they are feeling, once a procrastinator completes a hard project it can help release their abilities, the biggest problem is getting them to that point.